Socially Distanced Yet Together in Fighting Against COVID-19

COVID-19 has been playing havoc across the world since months now. The world has received a severe blow at both social and economic level

COVID-19 has been playing havoc across the world since months now. The world has received a severe blow at both social and economic levels. With no vaccine to the disease, lockdown has become the only solution as of now, to break the chain of this highly dangerous pandemic.  In this crucial period, where we are struggling to combat all the issues arising due to the pandemic, it is important that we find solutions addressing these issues without losing hope. My heartfelt prayers are for those who have been affected directly or indirectly by this deadly virus.  And a big thanks to the healthcare workers across the globe, who are rendering selfless service by helping those who are affected.

With this letter, I would like to update our team of Webuters and our clients about how we will handle this situation. Since your health and safety is our utmost priority, we are working from home to remain connected even at this crucial hour. With this effort we continue to deliver highest levels of performance to our clients. Together we can and we will!

Also read – How businesses can combat a COVID-19 struck economy

A message to all

Being a responsible citizen I would like to request everyone to follow the guidelines and not becoming a restraint in the measures adopted by the government, which is at its service to safeguard the citizens from the pandemic. It becomes our duty to fight together against COVID-19, by encouraging social distancing. We need to remind ourselves that panic is not the solution to any problem. What we need is, to stay strong and calm. Remember, “If the challenge exists, so must the solution”.

I would be honored to be a part of the efforts made by the government, by offering any service (personal or technical) within our scope, to help the nation overcome the crucial situation as soon as possible.

Message to our clients

Delivering uninterrupted services to you is our prime goal, keeping in mind the safety of our employees.

We are connected with you with our virtual channels, ready to offer our services and addressing your queries.

You can connect with me if you have any issues what so ever.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

Krishna Bhatt
CEO, Webuters

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