There is No Such Thing as a Right or Wrong Career Move

Careers take years to build and a person invests a lot of time and hard work into their career in hope of going ahead in life. But what p

Careers take years to build and a person invests a lot of time and hard work into their career in hope of going ahead in life. But what people fail to realise is that one’s career won’t take a leap just by taking a decision thus proving that there is no such thing as right or wrong career move. Opportunities knock on your door only once and you must swiftly take it, you don’t have the time to think if it is the wrong move or the right.

I’ve had many friends who have panicked if their careers will go in the right direction if they make the right career move. There is no parameter for a right or wrong career move. So how do you take advantage of the ‘no wrong or right’ career move philosophy? Read on to get your answers

• Firstly accept that not everyone has a linear career path

Most of working individuals do not have a linear career path; they usually go with the flow. For example, a hardworking accountant may go in a linear path of studying then obtaining a career that has a single trajectory whereas a VFX specialist could be a computer engineer who left his/ her education to pursue his/her passion of arts and animation.

The accountant’s career is pretty much laid out whereas the VFX specialist’s career is quite bizarre but successful. The different career moves made by the VFX specialist may seem too risky but he eventually succeeded.

Alas you cannot predict the repercussions or reactions of one’s decision; a bizarre decision might pan out whereas a well-thought-out decision can hurt your career. So take up the opportunities presented to you rather than deciding for the correct career move to put your career in a linear path.

• Add the word ‘and’ in your reasoning directory

‘And’ opens more doors than ‘or’ and ‘but’, ‘and’ includes whereas the other two exclude. For example, saying that you can work individually and with a team will get you more job opportunities than saying that you can work individually or with a team.

So incorporate the word ‘and’ more thus opening more doors for you and opening your mind for different career paths without fear of right or wrong.

• Make the most of any decision you make

When you make a decision, stick with it whatever it might bring you. You make your decisions after a lot of thought but you fail to follow them due to a lack of confidence in the decision.

You should follow the philosophy ‘If life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. This will allow you to capitalize on any decision you make and create more opportunities for your career.

• Remember that one action or decision will not define your career or its future

Your entire career will consist of numerous decisions, some good and some bad. Life throws you many curveballs; so the decision you make is correct for that particular situation and not for your entire career. So when making a career move, remember that this career may affect your career only momentarily but it will never define your career or your future.

The Bottom Line 

There are only choices and opportunities in one’s career but there are no right or wrong moves. What matters the most is how you handle the curveball that comes your way. Even a career move that you thought wrong back then, has given your career new heights, and the one that you always assumed right is now become the darker side. The moral of the story is that it’s you who make a career move right or wrong, making a decision is momentary, but your future remains in your hand.

Be confident, take the opportunities and make the most of the one you just grabbed.

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